Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be. Matthew 6:21New Living Translation (NLT) [source] Hello everyone! I hope you are doing well. There is anything in the world that is precious for you? Anything that you would consider your treasure? If you haven't thought about it I suggest you to do it because that is filling your heart whether you want it or not. Sometimes I doesn't have to be material, it can be the time that you spend with someone, or some activity. In the daily routine we have a name for those things that we really like doing. We name them: hobbies. In this post I want to share with you something that I really like doing, what it means to me and some other hobbies that I have had or I would like to have. In my opinion, hobbies mean something that you love to do and you could spend the whole day doing. Also they mean a way to escape from reality. Considering that, I would say that my favorite hobby is playing the guitar be