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Hello everyone! How are you doing? I hope you are doing excelent! Are you sad right now? No matter what is the reason for it, there is a reason to be happy again and it is that God loves you more than anything. So come on! Raise your face again, reach out to God and tell him what you are going through. He is able to help you all the time and to give you hope. You are loved, you are valuable, don't forget that ;).

Sometimes, in our life we look so close to details that we forget to look the totality, the truth and principles that are behind every situation we live, and that isn't good for us. In contrast, when we look close to the details, the components, the microsistems present in nature, we can understand better the processes that happen at a macroscale, and that is very good. That is what Nanotechnolgy studies. Objects at a nano scale.

The idea of nanoscale it is a little bit difficult to understand, but here it is a picture that might help you:

   [Picture source]

As you can see, nanoparticles have a size between about 10nm to 100nm. At that scale, the relation between surface and volume becames very important and their physical properties may be different from the bulk materials.

Some of the properties that can change are:
["Lycurgus cup" picture source]

  • melting point
  • fluorescence
  • electrical conductivity
  • magnetic permeability
  • chemical reactivity.

For example, the picture on the right shows the lycurgus cup, wich is made of gold and silver nanoparticles. This cup changes its color when the light comes from outside (left) or from inside (right).

In Biochemistry, nanoparticles are very promising due to their high chemical reactivity and their capability to interact with molecules at the very scale that processes are happening. Now a days, they are being used in clothing, a gold nanoparticles treatment for cancer is being tested, and in the near future they could be use for water remediation, among other applications. But, at the same time they can be very harmful for the environment for the same reason. They can seriously affect the ecosistems producing harmful reactives for some organisms or creating an inappropiate media for their development. 

Nanotechnology is a very interesting topic. I have heard about it but until this year, I didin't know that much about it. It is very important to get informed about how nanoparticles ineract with the environment and how their use and production can be regulated, because we are already emiting them in our daily life.

Thank you for reading, and God bless you! 

This information comes from these links below and previous serchs:                                 


  1. Nice post and very complete hehe hugs!


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