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Changing ends

People who conceal their sins will not prosper, but if they confess and turn from them, they will receive mercy. 
Proverbs 28:13New Living Translation 

Hello everyone! I hope you are doing well :D. Are you in the middle of evaluations? Come on! I now you can do it ;). Talking about that, evauations are very important because they show you the things that you have to change or improve. When this year started I share with you some issues that I had to improve to continue at university. Well, as much as I need to be evaluated, the university needs it too. What about changing roles for a while? Let's check in what aspects does the university need to improve. In this post I'm going to focus on five aspects. You can assign a score to each of them according to your perception.

Perception                     ----- Score

Satisfied                        -----  1,2
Almost satified             -----  0,8
Rather dissatisfied        -----  0,4
Not satisfied at all        -----  0,0 
(Mark = total score + 1 )

1) The curriculum 
I like the subjects I have to study, but I would like that we had one introductory subject every term during the first three terms, so that we don't forget where we want to get while we are studying general contents. Maybe a subject about botanic or environment could be included too, but I don't know if it is that necessary.
Score: 0,8

2) Workload and length of studies
I appreciate that the workload is very well distributed along the career, maybe that is the reason why we don't have the introductory subjects one right after the other. Anyway, I think that it isn't a bad idea to make the change. 
Score: 1,2

3) Faculty facilities (buildings and infrastructure)
I like the infrastructure of the faculty a lot, I consider that classrooms and laboratories are very well equipped, I'm really thanked that we have a library and also covered place in front of it to study or do whatever we want to (we call it "anexo"). There are also studying rooms that are only used for that so they are great to focus on what you are doing because nobody is speaking in there. I really like that we can have access to computers to study or do what we need to do with them and that we can print at university. Those facilities are very helpful nowadays. There are also nice places to stay when you are not studying. The only problem is that when it is cold and rainy the closed and covered places are not enough. If I'm not wrong, there will be a cafeteria and a space to study in a new building that would be ready soon (or at least we hope so) and that problem would be solved :D.
I think that bathrooms are great, but I would like that the biggest one had a window able to be open.
Score: 0,8

4) Use of technology
The university has take advantage of technological resources in a very good way. That is notorious in the "u-cursos" platform where students can be informed about any news that they need to know and have access to the studying material uploaded by the teachers among other things. Technology is also very used during classes and at the time we are studying. We use to attend classes where teachers use power point presentations apart of whiteboard and marker, and study from the power point presentations uploaded to u-cursos. We also have to make homework using technology, for example, during the first term our Calculus Introduction teacher gave us a homework about functions and how their graphs changed as their parameters did. That homework had to be done using a computer software that she already had taught us how to use. 
Score: 1,2

5) Teaching methods
Talking about the teaching methods of the subjects I have taken, I like the structure of lecture-seminary-laboratory that have the majority of them, because that creates an expository instance, where we have our first contact with the contents, then an exercising instance, where we can solve our questions, and finally a practical instance where we can take into practice that we have learned and have a significant learning due to the contact with real materials. 
As I said before, teachers have included technological resources to make their classes, wich has been positive for our learning, in my opinion. For example, this entire blog is part of an evaluated activity of the English course I'm taking. I like this way of learning because it is a great opportunity to produce english.  
Anyway, I have some problems to understand some teachers' classes.
Score: 0,8

Total score: 4,8

Mark: 5,8

In my opinion, I'm more satisfied than what that mark represents. I recommend you to take it as an approximated measure. What mark did you give to the university? Leave it as a comment.

Have a nice day and God bless you!


  1. I like the way you marked everything. I give the faculty a 0.8


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