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Hello everyone! I hope you are doing well :). I know I said that  the last post it was going to be the last one, but I have this pending topic, so here goes the last post for real. Have you ever tried any drug of abuse? Why was it for? In this post I'm going to talk about alcohol, a drug of abuse that I have tried, which has its pros and cons, which effects in our brain and body have been and still being studied by Biochemistry, a drug that it is legal but that doesn't make it any less drug .   I have tried alcohol in celebrations with my family. My family uses to drink alcohol in special occasions and I have tried what they are drinking in those opportunities. I have liked the flavour of the other things that are accompanying alcohol, but I don´t like the flavour of alcohol, so I prefer to drink the same that they are drinking but without alcohol or, more currently, I prefer to drink juice. Talking about the advantages, one of the most supported benefits of alc

What challenges are left

Hello everyone! How are you doing? Welcome to the last post. Can you believe it? I can't. Considering this I'm going to talk about how was this English course for me. I wish you the best for this term ending and I hope we see us again. I have liked a lot learning English at university. I like that we have more opportunities to talk, listen and write English than that I had at school and even than the previous term. In this course we have had more opportunities to speak and it has been great because we can talk using characteristic expressions of situations that are out of our university context and exercise fluency. I think that I have improved in that way because of that. In classes we use to hear recorded dialogues and use them as example. I think this tool is very useful. We also use to hear our teacher making classes in English. I appreciate that he takes the time to solve all our doubts of vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar. Even though I would like that he

Changing ends

People who conceal their sins will not prosper, but if they confess and turn from them, they will receive mercy.  Proverbs 28:13 New Living Translation  [source] Hello everyone! I hope you are doing well :D. Are you in the middle of evaluations? Come on! I now you can do it ;). Talking about that, evauations are very important because they show you the things that you have to change or improve. When this year started I share with you some issues that I had to improve to continue at university. Well, as much as I need to be evaluated, the university needs it too. What about changing roles for a while? Let's check in what aspects does the university need to improve. In this post I'm going to focus on five aspects. You can assign a score to each of them according to your perception. Perception                     ----- Score Satisfied                        -----  1,2 Almost satified             -----  0,8 Rather dissatisfied        -----  0,4 Not satisfied at

Summer holidays

[source] Hello every one! I hope you are doing well. Here we go again, we have just talked about the best vacations we have ever had. Now let's talk about what are we planning about the summer holidays that are coming soon, or at least that are getting closer. Along all my life I have always been waiting for vacations to go out to know some new place or to places that we already know to share with my family. For the first time in my life, this summer isn't the case. I'm not that motivated to know a new place, instead I would like to look for a part time job or something like that to earn some money. I would use that money to participate of some activities during the following year so my parents don't have to pay for the expenses of those things.  Although, I would like to go out some place with my family anyway because it is good to share some relaxation time together. Maybe we could go to El Quisco to visit my cousins and spend some time with my grandmother,

Postgraduate studies?

Hello everyone! I hope you are doing well. Today I am going to travel far in the future, as I did in my previous post. We are going to talk about a course that you would like to take when you finish your major degree. When I heard this I said "What?! Are you crazy? How am I going to talk about what I am going to do after I graduate if I'm not even close to gradute yet?" Anyway, I will try to look beyond that I have in front of my eyes and tell you what I would like to do. I'm just joking. I do use to look at the future but I question myself about if it is going to be as I imagine it. I'll tell you about that later. [SOURCE] Answering the question about what I would like to do when I finish my major degree I would say taking a Master in Biochemistry. I would consider taking this course in the future because it's objective is giving a high level background in Biochemical sciences and its aplications to professionals and university graduates. I

The best holidays in my life?

For everything there is a season,  a time for every activity under heaven.  Ecclesiastes 3:1 New Living Translation (NLT) Hello everyone!  I hope you are doing well :) Now that we are just in the middle of exams let's talk about holidays. What do you say? Let's talk about the best holidays in our entire life! Wait a second... I don't have one. I mean  I can't choose one of them as my favourite because I have very good memories of each of them. Anyway, I can tell you a little bit of my holidays in general. I use to go on holidays with my family.  We ha ve went to the south of Chile, to Caleta Hornos, Guatemala, El Quisco, Concepción, Curicó, Los Queñes, Catemu, La Serena, Laguna Verde and other beautiful places.                                                     The time I have spend in one place is very varied. Sometimes I have spend a month in one place, in Guatemala for example, and sometimes I have been just a weekend, usually when I go to El Quisco.

Our targets

So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.  Galatians 6:9 New Living Translation (NLT) source Hello everyone! I hope you are doing well. Every time we start doing something it is important where we want to get with that. Tha gives us motivation and purpose. That helps us keep on efforting for our target when we are already tired or gives us a new impulse  when we remember it. Starting a carrer isn't exempt of that rule. In my case, I'm studying a major in Biochemistry because it is a carrer that could reach me out to understand better how living organisms work chemically. My drives are that I could work reaserching about living organisms that could revert enviormental problems, making science workshops at school and maybe classes. In the first situation I imagine it with a lot of work in contaminated and clean places, a lot of time in the laboratory and also looking for information

Let us call them treasures

Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be. Matthew 6:21New Living Translation (NLT) [source] Hello everyone! I hope you are doing well. There is anything in the world that is precious for you? Anything that you would consider your treasure? If you haven't thought about it I suggest you to do it because that is filling your heart whether you want it or not. Sometimes I doesn't have to be material, it can be the time that you spend with someone, or some activity. In the daily routine we have a name for those things that we really like doing. We name them: hobbies. In this post I want to share with you something that I really like doing, what it means to me and some other hobbies that I have had or I would like to have. In my opinion, hobbies mean something that you love to do and you could spend the whole day doing. Also they mean a way to escape from reality. Considering that, I would say that my favorite hobby is playing the guitar be

Two beautiful windows... (the eyes)

Your eye is like a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is healthy, your whole body is filled with light. But when your eye is unhealthy, your whole body is filled with darkness. And if the light you think you have is actually darkness, how deep that darkness is! Matthew 6:22-23New Living Translation (NLT) source Hello everyone! I hope you are doing well. The eyes are amazing to me because of the wonders they allow us to see, how beautiful they are themselves, the machinary they have and because they are a master piece of optics. They play the role of reciebing the light reflected or emitted by the objects and lead it to light-sensitive receptors that tranduce the light in electrical impulse that is processed and interpretated by our brain as images as we know them. They are located in the upper front half of our face, with the nose between them. In our skull they are ubicated in the orbit. Their size is about 24 mm of diameter and it's weigh

Second term, here we go!

Hello everyone! welcome back. It's been a long time since the last post. I hope you had a nice term ending, and if you didn't, don't be sad because even if you didn't get what you wanted to, you did an effort for it, you persisted. That makes you grow up and learn... So tell me.  How are you doing? How did you do on vacations? Did you have a good time? Did you rest enough? I hope you did! Did you travel some where? or there is any place or country that you would like to go to in the future? I think that is a question that we all have ask to ourselfs in some moment of our life, when we start dreaming about those longed for vacations that will come... later or sooner, they will come. [source] [source] Let me tell you about the place that I would like to visit: Chile. Why did I choose the same country where I live? Because I know that Chile is a beautiful country and has so much different landscapes due to its great latitudinal length, but I have never v


Hello everyone! I hope you are doing well and you are having a nice term ending. Now our academic charge is lower because our clases are over, but don't be complacent. Use time wisely, giving some time to rest and to study too ;). May be you, if you get enough organized, you could do something that you couldn't do during the term. Did you ever want to write a story? Maybe you already had the opportunity to write and you liked it, but you haven't take time for doing it.  Maybe you believe that there's something that you can say that could help or be interesting for other people.  Maybe people needs to hear what you want to say. At least I have felt that way. I believe that communication is a super powerful tool. We wouldn't be what we are right now if we couldn't communicate between each other. Personally, I like to meet people because I can learn about them and I can give them something too.  One of the persons that has had more influence in my l


Hello everyone! How are you doing? I hope you are doing excelent! Are you sad right now? No matter what is the reason for it, there is a reason to be happy again and it is that God loves you more than anything. So come on! Raise your face again, reach out to God and tell him what you are going through. He is able to help you all the time and to give you hope. You are loved, you are valuable, don't forget that ;). Sometimes, in our life we look so close to details that we forget to look the totality, the truth and principles that are behind every situation we live, and that isn't good for us. In contrast, when we look close to the details, the components, the microsistems present in nature, we can understand better the processes that happen at a macroscale, and that is very good. That is what Nanotechnolgy studies. Objects at a nano scale. The idea of nanoscale it is a little bit difficult to understand, but here it is a picture that might help you:     [Picture source]